
Point Atkinson Lighthouse trip Saturday March 5th, 2005
close-ups are not bad for a $20 digital camera, but it was also cloudy...

From left to right, Frances, Rebecca, Chaing, Maria, Adam, Ellen, Paul

It's Sigal in a hat!

Above is Farley

Paul on the left and Rebecca on the right, with Adam in the background

From left to right, Franklin, Dorothy, and Karina

Above from left to right is Swati, Adam, and Dorothy

Adam and Swati's hair!


Above is Jullia

Maria in orange

Ellen facing the camera

Jano on the left and Davood

It's Charu above!

Chiyoko on the left running away from my camera

from left to right, Jullia, Connie, Oleg, Igor

From left to right, Sigal, Jason, Swati, Maria, Frances, Adam

Yes, it's me again, Andrew.